Dr. Manmit Kumarr

Dr. Manmeet Kumar is a Spiritual Coach who founded Soul Miracles in 2016. She uses her gifts of being a psychic and a medium to enable others to transform their inner core.

10 ways to protect your home from negative energies

protection crystals for home

A home is a place where we spend most of the important time of our lives and it is made up of our emotions, hopes, dedication and hard work. We leave no stones unturned to make our home a great place to live in, a place we are most comfortable. But sometimes when our sweet little home is invaded by bad energies and vibes we feel uncomfortable. We don’t feel good at our home and it is just because negative energies are sharing the home with us. As every lock comes with a key, there is a solution for every problem. We can protect our homes from negative energies and for this, we have to implement few things. We have few simple tips for you to remove negative energy from your home.

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10 Reasons Why You Are Stuck In Your Spiritual Journey

what to do when you feel spiritually stuck

Eyes closed, breathing even you are sitting cross-legged in yet another meditation class (sigh) and suddenly an all too familiar frustration grips you.   Your body is in that class, but your mind is playing thought after thought like a movie screen. Breath quickening, a silent anger bubbling, you wonder about why you feel stuck

10 Reasons Why You Are Stuck In Your Spiritual Journey Read More »

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